1 c uncooked rice
1/2 tsp paprika
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tbsp shortening
1 medium head of cabbage
1 tsp salt
1 large can of sauerkraut
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp caraway seed (optional)
1 tbsp flour
5 cups water, or enough to cover cabbage rolls
1-1/2 lbs ground beef
(if desired, 1/2 lb of pork may be substituted for part of beef)
With sharp paring knife, lift out core of cabbage (2 inches deep). Place cabbage, core side down, in large kettle of boiling water. Water should cover cabbage. After a few minutes, with knife and fork, cut off and lift the leaves out as they soften. Be careful not to break them. Cut
off part of each leaf’s center vein.
Mix meat, rice, onion, salt, 1/2 tsp paprika, and black pepper in a bowl. Place 2 tbsp of meat on each leaf (more if cabbage leaves are large), and roll up, folding sides in. Place remainder of cabbage (shredded) with sauerkraut. Put a layer of this mixture into bottom of large pot, and place layer of rolls on top. Repeat until meat is used up. Cover with water, and bring to a boil. Simmer about 2 hours.
Brown flour in shortening. Add 1 tsp paprika, blend in thoroughly. Take 1 cup of liquid from the cabbage, and stir until well blended. Bring to boil, and pour over the stuffed cabbage. Simmer 2 minutes.
NOTE: Sauerkraut may be omitted. Instead, use the remainder of the cabbage (shredded) and use slightly diluted tomato juice instead of water (or whole canned or fresh tomatoes).